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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Guest Blog Post Where Are You

Dear Ones,
Sometimes my life feels like I'm living the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles, not the movie itself, thank goodness just the title. :-) 

Here’s what my last 11 days looked like:
Jerusalem to Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv to Amsterdam (change planes)
Amsterdam to Chicago/ Highland Park
Chicago to Milwaukee and back (quick overnight with my kids)
Chicago to NYC
NYC to Falls Village, Connecticut (Isabella Freedman)(DLTI)
CT back to NYC for the night 
NYC to St Louis (SLBC)
St Louis to Chicago (change planes)
Chicago to Paris (change planes)
Paris to TLV
TLV to HOME! Jerusalem (train)

If you are feeling overwhelmed (like I am) just reading my list of travels, please know it was so worth it. I got to see my family and a handful of friends in Chicago before leaving to
finish a 2-year prayer leader training Davvennen Leadership Training Institue as well as a music leadership conference Songleader Boot Camp
I am filled to the brim with new knowledge and ideas.
I am filled to overflowing with love from all the people who loved me up in the past week and a half.
I can’t wait to share it all (love and learning) with you.

I'm so blessed and excited to share my friend and classmate Heather Paul's poem, Where Are You 
It spoke to me as I started my travels. I hope you take a look at her blog, I think she’s pretty darn amazing.
with love (ahava),

Where Are You

“Where are you going?” She’s checking my bag.
It’s not supposed to be an existential question.
“Where are you going?”
The security guard catches me off guard.
Am I on my way there or on my way back?
Am I leaving or arriving?
Am I returning?
“Where are you going?”
I left the rain last week and arrived in the sunlight.
When I landed, tears arrived too,
my eyes and heart unused to piercing brightness.
“Where are you going?”
I’m going to snowy branches and a frozen lake.
I’m going to a fireplace, a sanctuary,
warm hugs and warmer hearts.
“Where are you going?”
I’m leaving the community
that reminds me where I come from.
I’m going to the community that reminds me who I am.
Life is in flight, community is fluid, time is an illusion,
and distance means nothing at all.
“Where are you going?”
I’m going toward myself, I’m going toward growing.
I’m going away, I’m going to, I’m going, going, and gone.
I am in flight, I am landing, I am bringing
too much baggage for carry-on.
“Where are you going?”
I don’t know, I don’t remember,
nothing is certain but
“You are flying out of Gate 19.”
I am ready for take-off.