Studies- Text

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Leaving on a Jet Plane

July 30, 2018

Tonight as I sit on my dear friends roof top deck over looking the Hudson River (UWS), there is a beautifully lit bridge in the distance. Josh Warshawsky singing Emet (Truth) from his about to be released new CD, I am finally taking a big deep breath.

Some of you have asked if I wrote something and you missed it. Alas, I have been moving so quickly since May, I haven’t had time to just sit and write. The prose will come soon; the stories, photos and thoughts are making their way to the surface.

For now I can just say… I have so much gratitude for all life has brought me in this past months. Gratitude for all of you who have loved me and supported me in this journey. Gratitude for my teachers and mentors who have skillfully grounded me when I started to feel off course. Gratitude to have the ability to take this time to learn, I never forget how blessed I am for this opportunity.

Here’s a little quick update. I leave for Israel on Tuesday July 31 at 1:30pm EST.  If you pray, say a little prayer for safe, easy travels. I land in Israel on Aug 1st.  I’ll be staying at a new friend’s apartment for a few days until I find a flat.  As soon as I am able, I’ll be in touch.

Email, texting and FaceBook will all work in Israel. WhatsApp another good way to stay in touch.
As I told my kids, I’m just a phone call away, same goes for you.

With so much love/אהבתי and gratitude, 
cell: 847-212-3550