Each year I think of a word for the year. My kavanah/intention. In 5778 my word was bravery. Oh boy! This totally describes my year. I have had to be so brave. Many more times than I thought I would ever have to be. There’s a saying do something that scares you every day. Just one thing. That was the reason for my intention: bravery.
It ends up last year, I had to face many things each day with bravery. Each time a situation came up; I remembered the word, put on my brave face and sometimes armour, then marched into the scary experience. Knowing I am surrounded by people who care about me is part of the armour I wear each day.
As I think about 5779 one of the words that keep floating around in my head is abundance/shefa/שפע.
When I looked up abundance on www.thesaurus.com I loved these synonyms:
As I think about 5779 one of the words that keep floating around in my head is abundance/shefa/שפע.
When I looked up abundance on www.thesaurus.com I loved these synonyms:
- generosity
- bounty
- plenty
- plethora
- restfulness
- peacefulness
After I have a word, I think...what will that word look like? What will it feel like in my body? Will I recognize it and be grateful?
Just like my word years ago, flow, it needed to come with balance. Too much flow, like water is not a good thing. We are always looking for just the right amount. Balance (my word a few years ago).
I ask you, my dear family and friends, What is Your Word for 5779?
What’s your intention/kavana/כבנה
What is your word?
I gave parts of this blog as a d’var at Pardes last Shabbat during a tish. People said:
Just like my word years ago, flow, it needed to come with balance. Too much flow, like water is not a good thing. We are always looking for just the right amount. Balance (my word a few years ago).
I ask you, my dear family and friends, What is Your Word for 5779?
What’s your intention/kavana/כבנה
What is your word?
I gave parts of this blog as a d’var at Pardes last Shabbat during a tish. People said:
- strength
- community
- love
- knowledge
- peace
- gains (opposed to seeing losses)
So I ask you for the third time*, with intention, what is your word for 5779?
Email (tcj224@gmail.com) them to me and I’ll save them with your name to remind you next year. Or write them at the bottom of this blog, please add your name.
As the day here in Jerusalem is starting to become dusk and most of you in the states are just waking up, I wish you and yours a Shana Tova, a Happy New Year!
I bless you with abundance, love, time, incredible heath and healing, and even more love.
Today is your day to think about what blessings you need for 5779. Write them down, share with your crew, share with me. Think of them as you go through this next year. Feel them when you are struggling, know you are loved and blessed.
Until next time,
שנה טובה
*Some say intention is when you answer for the third time. Maybe the first two times you said it by mistake, but three is the lucky number.