Studies- Text

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What's Your Word for 5780? שנה טובה

Just like a good storyteller uses the same word multiple times to make a point, so does the Torah. When I’m studying a piece of text I’ve been taught to look for the words repeated multiple times. Usually 3, 7 or more times in the same paragraph. When that happens the text is really asking you to pay attention. 

Since being back at Pardes, the same word keeps coming up for me in the text I’ve been studying. Mountain הר

I see it at least once a day if not more.
I started wondering why mountain. What does this word mean to me? How does it connect to my life?

Many of you know, I like to think of a word for the year, my intention for the new year. 
Rosh Hashana starts this Sunday night September 29th. I’ve been playing around with the question what’s my word? Mountain? What could that mean? 
At first I thought it meant exploration. But I've come to learn in Hebrew the word for pregnancy is הריון. It’s related to mountain. Maybe the shape of a women’s body? No, I’m not telling you I’m pregnant.
At least not in that sense. But maybe I am pregnant with new ideas, thoughts and insights. Maybe I’m about to birth a new reality, a new project, a new me.

Israel is full of both mountains and hills. We are always either ascending or descending both spiritually and physically. Again I'm left wondering how this fits into my life too.

I love to look up words on Here’s some synonyms for mountain that resonate with me:
    •    abundance
    •    eminence
    •    range
    •    elevation
    •    bluff and cliff to name a few
What’s your word for 5780?
I love to collect these words each year. Last year people sent me their words, I’m happy to send you back yours if you would like. One of my amazing friends, Suzi, love this idea so much that when her group of high school girlfriends went on their annual weekend. They each wrote down their words and sent them to me. Honored to be the keeper of the words. 

Last year at Pardes I gave this over as a D’var Torah. Many of my classmates shared words with me, as the year unfolded every once a while one of them would come over and say remember my word, it was true. It’s happening. Want to read what I wrote last year? 5779

So what’s your word for 5780?
Here are some of the words I've already collected for 5780:
    •    consistency
    •    pushing
    •    vulnerability
    •    hope
    •    strength
    •    attending

My word for last year was abundance. The year before bravery. Each time I think about these words I also think about the balance that needs to come with it. We can’t have too many mountains or too much abundance. We all need balance.

So for a third time, three being intention- what’s your word for 5780?*

Today is your day to think about what blessings you need for 5780. Write them down, share them with your crew, share with me.
Think of them as you go through this next year.
Feel them when you are struggling, know you are loved and blessed.

Email me at and I’ll save them with your name to remind you next year. Or write them at the bottom of this blog, please add your name.

I wish you and yours a Shana Tova, a Happy and Healthy 5780!
May we all be blessed with new ideas, consistency, hope and strength as well as taking on the vulnerabilities that come with living life to the fullest. Be brave!
 Take Chances! Live Life!

As always, sending this with so much love/ ahava
שנה טובה
 *Some say intention is when you answer for the third time. Maybe the first two times you said it by mistake, but three is the lucky number.


  1. My word for 5780 is אומץ

    1. Beautiful word! I don't know who you are :-) Feel free to email me if you want me to know. xxoo

    2. Oops, it's Naomi Gurt Lind, from DLTI. I thought I was replying under my own name but apparently I was anonymous. Sorry for the unintended mystery...
