They said Be Happy it’s Adar!
A week ago we took off our masks- uncovering our true self.
This week we put a new type mask and gloves.

For Purim, we dressed in costume. Taking on roles and personalities you might not know about us. Our secret self revealed.
A week ago they said drink until you don’t know the difference between Haman and Mordecai (the good guy and the bad guy in the Purim story).
This week they said stay away from everyone! Lockdown- stay home!
A week ago I went hiking in Ein Gedi with friends.

This week I’m lucky to go for a walk to the pharmacy. At least nature is still working her magic.

Last week look like this!
This week looks more like this!
This week all my interactions are on zoom
This week the streets are empty!
This week classmate neighbors come to check on me.
Last week is just a beautiful memory, shared with lots of friends, music and fun. This week has been a bit harder, once my school moved to online.
It's a strange time we are living in. I am ok, I have so many people checking in on me. I am blessed to be living in a country that is taking this virus so seriously. I'm staying here for now. It's my home for now. It's my community.
You all are my community no matter where I am.
The month of Adar is a special month for me.
It's my birthday month! It's Purim! It's Spring! A time for new birth. A time for us to uncover the sprouts of the seeds we planted months ago and see where they will bring us next. The practice for this month is being ok with not knowing. Maybe this virus is here to teach us that lesson. A reset. A redo. A time to heal the world.
May each of you stay healthy and in contact with me and the people you love.
Here are a couple more photos from my neighborhood. Can you believe I can see the Dead Sea from around the corner from my home? So blessed.
Sent with so much love, Tamy
Key to all of the photos:
At the Dead Sea with mud on my face from 3/10.
My friend Julia wearing a mask.
Purim at Pardes:
All the Talmudic Women we are studying with Gila Fine this semester: Bruria, Homa, Yalta, Heruta, Imma Shalom, Marta, and, for cultural diversity, Professor Trelawney. Now you have to look them up to know my costume.
Purim Sudah (meal) on my friend's Benji and Josh rooftop. Instructions: dress as your inner self, bring two bottles of wine and food to share. Amazing day!
My apartment before I moved in. It looks a bit different now ;-)
Ein Gedi on 3/10 with Barry and Haley.
Flowers in my neighborhood.
More Purim.
My chevruta (learning buddies) Sara and Michelle.
The empty street is Ben Yehuda St. on a Saturday night. It is usually filled to overflowing with tourists and Israelis alike.
Friends from the States: Sephirah and Craig.
School friends Toby and Cliel.
All photos and videos were posted with their permission.
This is a wonderful post. I love your wisdom and spirit you. Look what my sister sent: Many households in North Salem (and beyond) are placing Teddy Bears in their windows for the local children to go on “Bear Hunts”. Spread some smiles, at a safe distance.
ReplyDeleteLove You Tamy! We made the blog! Glad to be home in Vermont! Glad to know you have people checking on you and your doing OK within the unknown. love love- Sephirah